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                          The World-Cultural-Heritage                                        in 2025      

 Das Weltkulturerbe

Weather Forecast

The German-language document you may find here!

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck

To the

TV-and Radio-Stations


Germany, Luebeck, Monday, 28 July 2003

Free English translation on 6 September 2021.

Weather Forecast for the coming Days.


Stormy winds may sweep across the country tomorrow, so that you and your listeners and viewers are no longer "through the wind".

Further foothills will ensure increased temperatures also for falling toads and hopping spring chicken, which are on the weather ladder. A high pressure system comes from the southwest and forms thunderclouds over Bavaria, which can bring heavy rainfall and thunderstorms with lightning and thunder. A low pressure system over the Atlantic will ensure strong highs for the would-be  weather frogs, while at the same time volcanic eruptions will have to intensify and spew more frequently.

The dry period in the east of the country is disrupted by hailstorms, so that the diversity of nature receives its full confirmation. Due to the size of the social garden gnomes, a harvest drought must be expected in the coming year, so that life-saving imports must compensate for the miserable harvest.

The social development of the population in the FRG is expected to reach magnitude 9 on the Richter scale in the foreseeable future, this will probably show its effects more and more frequently in other Asian countries, so powerful storms should take care by blowing through the perfusion and circulation of your brain to prevent further 'natural events'.

The sun continues to shine relentlessly and it will be nice and warm, especially in the Indian region; there it easily exceeds 50 °C.

Smog alerts and further circulatory collapses are increasingly common there.

In your peak times you can visit Cyprus, where the gods go on holiday!

Yours sincerely

and p. p.

U. Sabisch, Empress