The World-Cultural-Heritage in 2025
Das Weltkulturerbe
Burial Costs
Ursula Sabisch, Meesenring 4, 23566 Luebeck, Germany
THERE FORE Directly Assurance/ ERGO
90344 Nuremberg
Luebeck, In 2011 Sep. 22
Insurance Cover, light No. 101XXIIIIOOO
Your writing of 2001, Sep. 21st
Now you may find the document " Burial Costs" or undertaker here:
Free English translation
Please, see the link below and let the linked German-language letter be translated in many languages and be handed over to the right persons.
For additional information see:
Ursula Sabisch, Meesenring 4, 23566 Lübeck, St. Gertrud
ERGO Direkt Versicherungen
Karl-Martell-Straße 60
90344 Nürnberg
Lübeck, 22. Sep. 2011
Versicherungsschutz Schein-Nr. 101XXXIIIOOO, Ihr Schreiben vom 21.Sep. 2011.
Please, let that German-language letter be translated in many languages and be handed over to the right places.
Das Weltkulturerbe OMEGA
The World-Cultural- Heritage