The World-Cultural-Heritage in 2025
Das Weltkulturerbe
----- Original Message -----
To: sat Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 5:30 PM
Subject: matter
Ursula Empress
To the Responsibility of the TV- Senders
Germany, Luebeck, 02. 12. 03 / giovedì 4 marzo 2004
Please, let this writing be withheld till it is confirmed! **
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.... and the Wonders....
The Whishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack.
Ursula Kaiserin, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck, Germany
Barmer Substitute Health Insurance Fund
Preparatory Letter/ Information* 2016
Luebeck, Saturday, 27 April 2002
A new Free English translation on 6 September 2021.
Fairy Tale / CC List to the Medical Profession and Pharmacies.
Please let the German-language writing be translated quite exactly into all languages worldwide.
Dear Dentists, Dear Pharmacists, Dear Hairdressers, Dear Gentlemen,
Not everyone will be able to understand this letter from your Empress, but I hope that at least half the so-called civilised population will be able to understand it. You will presumably be informed that your Empress works as a kind of manager, but that her "boss" is above everything and above everyone. This task extends into Creation and also includes an advisory function towards you and the Lord, who has already taken action.
On the whole, it is about an unique fairy tale, which should include every human being who is allowed to stay on God's earth or who also has to go into God's grace or disgrace. In order to find a sensible beginning, a complete concept has already been presented to those responsible, which has presumably been accepted and will be carried out by the Lord. A beginning is to be made here in Luebeck, but your Empress strongly suspects that the contents of this letter could very quickly be implemented throughout the country.
The fairy tale which is to be fulfilled, presumably in only twenty-four months, involves the "swapping of the wedding couples". Philosophers will surely think further and know that it is about the union of all races and cultures. For this reason, your Empress must now be able to carry out her activity balancing abroad/ change of place to the HH* without delay, in order to get out of this circle of danger, in which especially my person* (no longer current) and the person of the Emperor stand. The King is then also in the forefront, followed by the true clergy.
Many of you will know and have recognised that every person has moved and is still moving in the circle of danger(s)*, therefore it is to be continued carefully, but must not be blocked, because knowledge is power. For this reason, please only give the following letter to people who will not and could not understand this preface.* (No longer current.)
However, your Empress must briefly remark that the "swapping" of the wedding couples that has already taken place is to be punished as an adultery, because the Ten Commandments, they had and still have validity to this day, whereby no human had to make his own laws!
Follow-up letter:
Ursula Empress, Luebeck, 27 April 2002
CC/ After submission by confirmation of isolated miracles/ incidents* 2016.
Mirror, Mirror......
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall ... and the Miracles
Little Table sets yourself for the Third World AID of people!
Ursula Kaiserin, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck
Barmer Substitute Health Insurance Fund

Preparatory Letter / Information * 2016
Luebeck, Saturday, April 27, 2002
Fairy Tales / CC To the Medical Profession and Pharmacies
Please let that Germany language writing be translated quite exactly into all languages worldwide.
A new free English translation on 6 September 2021.
Follow-up letter:
Ursula Empress, Luebeck, 27 April 2002
CC/ After submission by confirmation of isolated miracles/incidents* 2016
My Dear Fellow Human Beings,
Your Empress would like to offer help primarily to the women who have visibly had to bear the greater burden of this society.
Every broat and every so-called woman who stole another woman's husband, whether they are married or divorced again, whether working as a mistress or not, will learn here on God's earth that such an account cannot and will not work out and also that now these accounts must be paid....
These kinds of women will not stick their noses up for much longer, your Empress will see to that! The weapons will now go primarily to the women, who can then decide later whether they want their husband back or will prefer to get a real man. This aforementioned kind of person who has ruthlessly and without scruples invaded a family or marriage with their weapons, these so-called women will now have to submit to the morals of your Empress and this for a longer period of time. *
During this time, you, the addressed, will please consider which people have been hit or harmed* by you as a presumably exceedingly "important person"; they will be youths, even children and infants, who have had to grow up without the needed security only because of you, and who have had to bear and will continue to bear heavier than they were intended to bear only because of your existence; which also applies especially to the beautiful women whom you had apparently defeated. If you had not existed, things would have been very different for these people in their lives and many things would have happened very differently in many a life*.
You will now have to think about this; the unstable man at your side will also have to think about this. Should you, as an adulteress*, now have brought children into the world through this union, then these children are not your security that will be rewarded, for priority in this respect will always be given to the wife and children who were directly* destined by the Lord.
Now, the people who come from such a connection should not have to bear the next burden, but these people should know that imitation is by no means recommended, but they are not worth less than others because of it. This is exactly what these unscrupulous* women have to take care of, and they have to do so all their lives. Your Empress has no honest regard or respect for such women; this will never change, but the opinion of my person is not a yardstick for most people and thus life should continue to be possible for such existences, especially as there will not be few of them.
For your Empress, such women, even if they should be helped later, will remain second-class people as long as they live, nothing can be done about that. Measured against such aforementioned audacity and insidiousness, the Cudgel of your Empress shall then strike, whereby your Empress does not know the degree of severity and does not determine the severity either. All other women shall now, by the coming into force of the Cudgel, be enjoined to abstain from the so-called sexual intercourse for a time and to keep their distance.
The following measures are to be taken:
Your Empress recommends a powder already mentioned, Penaten cream or Nivea cream, (Natural products)*, which you should use daily in order to return to your actual beauty and to regain it. You can also visit a suitable hairdresser and sit there in front of your reflection and have your hair done.
Please also go to a dentist, important beauty care should also be done there; your teeth should naturally grow and appear beautiful. (Special management persons required). You do not need to look in your mirror at your dentist if you may not be able to cope. For quite fragile personalities, the dentist may not be necessary and you will experience help without a third party. The same applies to many a man, but women first have priority in this regard, especially as men have priority on the right job.
If a woman's breasts have receded or have never been very pronounced, then it is recommended that she wears a bra with underwire, which very fragile women should also please wear at night. The artificial hormones should now be discontinued, (the pill), as normally sexual intercourse by your Empress's club or super-witch* will no longer occur, up to and including a withdrawal, which will take place later.
Men who suffer very much from baldness should make an effort to bring the media under control, because the sexual psychological control, which can also particularly influence the male hormone balance and thus easily attacks the man, in that many men can be negatively affected visually in this respect, so that this power position of the media must be put in the required bounds.
The most important thing is the face, teeth, voice and hair of a woman, followed by shoulder width, breast size, hand and foot size, of course also the body size is important, whereby the oversize of a woman is difficult to consider for a normal man. For children and adolescents, "this correction" will also take place gradually in this way. The gentlemen of creation will receive the corresponding letter only after or during the foreign travels of your Empress. (No longer current).
The required medicine/miracle for this correction of the physique is not necessarily at the doctors' disposal, because a child does not necessarily have to be informed, especially when it is still small. It may be that just reading this letter is enough for you to see the effect of the slight and serious changes.
A general overhaul of the whole body and physique will only take place when the fairy tale is fulfilled for all together. (Unified Race). Should you then be unhappily bound in a relationship and marriage or feel attracted to another partner (also via TV)*, then you may only leave your partnership when your spouse has regained his or her own security and has given his or her consent; otherwise the spirituality is to be consulted.
However, it should then also be noted immediately for the future that through the consummation of marital intercourse a separation will only be possible in exceptional cases by the Pope in Rome through an annulment of the marriage! Elderly women should no longer prepare themselves for an earthly partnership and prepare themselves for the next life. Likewise, older gentlemen should refrain from sexual intercourse altogether and also slowly prepare for the next life.
For the time being, continue in parallel with a healthier and natural diet and avoid mixed juices with additives; proceed in the same way with yoghurt, dairy products and breakfast cereals* with artificial builders as well as additives in sweets and milk powder and avoid too much meat and much more, because the second fairy tale is called:
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall ......... whereas there is a (no (earthly*) born Queen in this fairy tale. (?!)*
Your Empress will bear the women, if the woman is well behaved, but the Empress always keeps the actual place of residence open for them, whereby the unstable man will always follow her as a rule and vice versa!
An abortion is beyond the competence of even your Empress and can only be managed with a shovel, which also lies as an admonition in front of the Luebeck Labour Office. For abortions and genetic manipulations already had transacted, one can only remark that probably the man in the house was missing!
The document has been revised, which is also ahead of its time, but this above-mentioned state of affairs will remain a prerequisite for the one-time fairy tale, but may not yet be ready to speak.* 2016* 2018* 2021* 2024*
The Protestant secular dignitaries are obviously called to account for the establishment of the rules of a norm concerning sexual intercourse!
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.............
......... although there is no (earthly *) born Queen in this Fairy Tale.
Document was revised, which also preceded its time, but this abovementioned situation will remain a prerequisite for the unique fairy tale, but may not yet be quite ready for a decision. * 2016 * 2018 * 2021 * 2024*
It is obvious that the Protestant secular dignitaries are held responsible for establishing the rules of a norm regarding sexual intercourse!